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Dining Pearls - A Poem

Dining Pearls - A Poem

MECU | Courtesy

MECU | Courtesy

If tonight our gazes crash into each other

If you plead with the silence between us

Larcenous lips will touch your gun shy smile

As this poetry burns to ash below our mantle


To wrap these teeth around hesitant nods

Is more than a beggar’s canned bean dream

Say yes, and you can hear the melody

Of pearls dining on miniature pink handles


Your flawlessness plays across my mind

Not a born dancer, but it’s a rhythm I tap to

I dip your insecurities in my burning throat

Lave the imaginary imperfections with care


Tongues storm a sea of skin, fishing for dawn

Hooked by your swells and metallic horizon

A red sky kisses and commands its darker half

And I’m swimming further than I’ve ever dared


I know you can taste the monsters hovering

There is also pleasure from feminine flavors

We roast above a chain of flameless candles

But even with a constant vigil, the meat is rare


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Courtney Trouble's 'Trans Grrrls' know how to fuck - Review

Check your vagina or gynecology is your friend

Check your vagina or gynecology is your friend