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Beefy model Justin Irvine gives you reason to swoon, love your body - Humpday Hotties

Beefy model Justin Irvine gives you reason to swoon, love your body - Humpday Hotties


On the first (couple days after) Humpday Hottie of Body Positivity Month, I give you model, porn star (maybe), etc... Justin Irvine. I've had a crush on him for quite a while, thanks to his yummy nude photo shoot for gay bear rag Pinups. If you’ve ever ventured into the gay side of Tumblr (let’s be honest, it’s all gay) you’ve probably run across his popular photo shoot.

Let’s celebrate the beauty of this chubby, hairy guy who’s lusted after by thousands and think upon our own bellies and hairy bodies. Who said body positivity couldn’t be sexy too? 

You can be friends with Justin Irvine on Facebook and keep up with all his sexy instagram photos.  


Love your body in 4 easy steps

Love your body in 4 easy steps

Any cheaper vibrators that will help my voice? - Sexpert Wisdom

Any cheaper vibrators that will help my voice? - Sexpert Wisdom